Wireless Applications Protocol

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Welcome to the Wireless Applications Protocol area.
Winner of the Golden Web Award 2000-2001
We are proud to be amoung the first few thousand to be recognized as a WAP Developer.
We are now writing our first pages using the Wireless Markup Language.
Try a test of our new wireless site:
Click as directed in red to the right

Own your own phone business, or just get good rates.

Cellmania is the best source for wireless products

Multi Level Mailing List Builder

FreeMailer2000 When you sign-up for Free, you will get your very own personalized FreeMailer2000 website along with your Unique URL. When someone signs-up from your FreeMailer2000 website, they become your First Level Downline. Similarly, when someone else signs-up from their Unique URL, they become your Second Level Downline and so on till 15 Levels. The trade off here is very light, only 14 people are able to send email to you in return.


Click here for information about webrings mastered by

Webings are a great way to surf the web by topic, and a good method of getting your pages noticed for webmasters.


Trillium University maintains an archive at for software (and links to downloads) which you might find benificial.

The Internet Society
We are a member of ISOC, the Internet SOCiety.

GC Computers - Computer Trade-Show Prices Everyday

Photos To Go
Type words describing
the photo you want

If you need professional help, send me an e-mail describing your needs and how to best contact you.

F. Davies
(360) 352-0242
ICQ 43536012


Type in the URL for the WAP page you want to view. Don't forget the trailing slash if no filename is specified.
Replace the URL for the WAP page you want to view. Don't forget the trailing slash if no filename is specified.
(A sample is pre-typed and ready to go!)
Click here to view.

 Search Accessories For Your Cell Phone guarantee low prices.

The search is temporarily out of order, please click on the cellphone link itself. Sorry for the inconvience.

WAP Related Programs

You can develope your WAP pages with Notepad, but as with all development, it's easier and faster if you have the right tool at hand:
  • Nokia SDK 2.18 (14.5MB) for Windows
    The best development tool out there. This one of the first SDK's Having problems with Win2000? Read the FAQ

  • Waptor 2.3 (736Kb) for Windows from WAPDrive
    A small and easy to use WML editor and viewer for Windows. Some knowledge of WML is necessary.

  • Wireless Companion (3.2MB) for Windows from
    An combined HTML and WML browser. You must have Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 4 or newer browser installed because the HTML browser uses their engine. You can choose one of the following phone skins: Ericsson 320, 380 or a Nokia 7110.

  • WAPman (181kb) for Win32 and Palm
    This is a WML viewer for windows. This connects to a gateway, and if the gateway is unavailable then the program don't work. Still a little buggy...

  • WinWAP (1.2Mb) for Win32.
    The fastest and easiest way to view WML pages without a WAP device. (except for the Wapalizer of course). Even if it's version 2.2, it's still a little buggy. All WML decks will display correctly, but sometimes the links don't w ork. Recommended!

  • Nokia WAP Toolkit (10.8MB)
    You must register to download the toolkit, but there is no other way to do this if you are serious about developing and testing WAP sites.

  • Ericssons WapIDE SDK (5.49MB)
    The Ericssons SDK are a collection of software for developing WML decks, device designer for creating visual layout of the devices, WML browser, Application Designer and Server Toolset containing perl libraries

  • UP.SDK (5.8MB)'s SDK. By testing your WML decks with different development tools, your are able to filter out most possible errors. The downloadable from Nokia is sometime not enough. If you for instance creates a WML deck to large for the gateway, no Nokia p roduct will tell you what's wrong. But this SDK will.

  • Photoshop/Paintshop WBMP plugin
    This plugin is a must have for anyone working with images for WAP. This plugin let you open and save images in WBMP format.

  • Online WBMP converter
    This service gives you the opportunity to upload and convert GIF's and JPG's to WBMP via the browser.

  • WBMP converter for Win32
    Drag and drop converter for Windows. Let you easily converts GIF to WBMP (WAP images)

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