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Free Download - Get Cortona VRML Client
The Cortona VRML Client.
A plugin for Explorer and Netscape etc., which permits the viewing of VRML pages such as the one you are currently visiting.

If you need professional help, send me an e-mail describing your needs and how to best contact you. I would enjoy creating VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) worlds or objects for your use possibly in catalogs on CD's or at your website. Your current webmaster will have no problem incorporating them into your site. VRML allows linking to other files etc., so it is possible to have the object link just like any other button or word in html. Text and motion are also features of VRML which may be added, as well as video and audio effects/clips. VRML is not the ultimate means of creating digital images, but it is extremely impressive in its ability to create an interactive 3D enviroment or object. If you need single images or an animation, raytracing is better, but if you want the object to be able to be examined from all sides or walked through like a virtual building, then VRML is the way to go.

I am available for $60/hr. The bead objects you see here are representative of about ten minutes work (each/averaged. I will be happy to bid on projects if requested.)

F. Davies
(360) 352-0242
ICQ 43536012


This is an example of VRML (virtual reality modeling language). This example is in response to our visitor and friend Mira, who is studying VRML. Mira wishes to use VRML to display the shortest path between places. VRML is used to produce virtual worlds and objects from a geometric description of the scene. For more information on the software used, please visit Ware.Netfirms.com
If you are interested in obtaining similar works for your own site, or assistance with site design please give me a call at: (360) 352-0242
Or send an Email describing your needs and how I might contact you.

Here is the source code to a sample solution in progress...
...illustrating the area and position of buildings.

#VRML V2.0 utf8
Background  {
  skyColor [ .6 .6 .9 ] 
  groundColor [ .6 .2 .1, ] 
PointLight {
  ambientIntensity 1
  location 350 1000 -250
  color 1 1 1
  intensity 10
  on TRUE
  radius 5000
Viewpoint {
  description "Campus Entrance"
  position 155 0 0
Viewpoint {
  description "Kiosk Map Of Campus"
  position 155 0 -45
Transform {# start earth grid 700 by 500
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Box { size 700 .1 500 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        material Material {
          emissiveColor 0 .12 0
          diffuseColor 0 .5 0
          specularColor 0 .42 0
          ambientIntensity 0
          shininess .15
    } ] 
  translation 350  -1.8 -250
} # end earth grid 700 by 500
Transform {# start road 1
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 10 .05 220 }  
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture {
          url [ "road001.jpg" ] 
    } ] 
  translation 155 -1.7 -110	   #(x y z)
} # end road 1
Transform {# start road 2
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 400 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 425 -1.7 -45 
}# end road 2
Transform {# start road 3
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 10 .05 350 }  
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture {
          url [ "road001.jpg" ] 
    } ] 
  translation 400 -1.7 -220	   #(x y z)
} # end road 3
Transform {# start road 4
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 10 .05 350 }  
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture {
          url [ "road001.jpg" ] 
    } ] 
  translation 580 -1.7 -220	   #(x y z)
} # end road 4
Transform {# start road 5
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 90 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 440 -1.7 -80 
}# end road 5
Transform {# start road 6
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 110 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 340 -1.7 -140 
}# end road 6
Transform {# start road 7
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 50 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 600 -1.7 -250 
}# end road 7
Transform {# start road 8
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 110 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 340 -1.7 -330 
}# end road 8
Transform {# start road 9
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 90 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 530 -1.7 -350 
}# end road 9
Transform {# start road 10
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 50 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  translation 100 -1.7 -70 
}# end road10
Transform {# start road 11
  children [ Shape   {
      geometry Box  { size 40 .05 10 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture { url [ "road001.jpg" ] }
        textureTransform TextureTransform { rotation 90}
    }				   ] 
  rotation 0 1 0 -.4
  translation 210 -1.7 -52 
}# end road11
Transform { # start circle road area
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Cylinder	{ 
        bottom TRUE
        radius 40
        side TRUE
        height .7 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        texture ImageTexture {
          url [ "road002.jpg" ] 
    } ] 
  translation 155  -1.7 -70
} # end circle road area
Transform { # start kiosk area
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Cone	{ 
        bottom TRUE
        bottomRadius 40
        side TRUE
        height .7 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        material Material {
          emissiveColor 0 .12 0
          diffuseColor 0 .5 0
          specularColor 0 .42 0
          ambientIntensity 0
          shininess .15
    } ] 
  translation 155  -1.35 -70
} # end kiosk area
Transform {# start kiosk
  children [ Billboard {
      axisOfRotation 0 1 0
      bboxCenter 155  -1.35 -70
      bboxSize -5.28 -3.26 -.2
      children [ Shape {
          geometry Box { size  -5.28 -3.26 .2 }
          appearance Appearance {
           texture ImageTexture{url [ "plan001.jpg", ] }
        } ] 
    } ] 
  scale  2,2,2
  translation 155  3 -70
}# end kiosk
Transform { # start 1st building (Jabatan Dermatologi)
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Box	{ size 140 150 100 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        material Material {emissiveColor 1 0 0
    } ] 
  translation 300  75 -220	  
}# end # 1st building (Jabatan Dermatologi)
Transform { # start 2nd building (Perkhidmatan Darah)
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Box	{ size 120 70 120 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        material Material {emissiveColor 0 1 0
    } ] 
  translation 480 35 -180	   # built2
} # end 2nd building (Perkhidmatan Darah)
Transform { # start 3rd building (Hospital Bersalin)
  children [ Shape {
      geometry Box	{ size 150 70 100 } 
      appearance Appearance {
        material Material {emissiveColor 0 0 1
    } ] 
  translation 300 35 -410	
} # end 3rd building (Hospital Bersalin)

This is just the start. Mira's project will next consider the buildings in greater detail.
We will link to her project when she makes it available online. This is just an example and her code may look quite different and have the proper distance and size relationships to match the actual campus.

For further information, contact: fjdavies@yahoo.com